Hackney Young Peoples University (HYPU)
We offer a range of courses, activities and opportunities during school holidays for 11- 25 year olds. Just choosing one course at HYPU could make all the difference to you.
Hackney Young Peoples University is a registered charity (1112528) and offers a range of holiday programmes that are open to 11-25 year olds. Young people attending the project have the opportunity to improve their skills, try out new subjects and explore activities, which can help them in their career choices as well as improve their confidence and enable them to access some of the high-quality facilities in Hackney.

HYPU Projects and Programmes
To enable young people in Hackney to achieve their full potential
Funding and individual donations

HYPU relies on the good will of our volunteers, external grants and donations in order to keep our programmes and charity running. If you would like to make a financial contribution to our charity cheques (no matter how small) should be made payable to Hackney Young Peoples University

HYPU Programmes

Those attending HYPU programmes are offered outside of the normal school time the opportunity to improve their skills, try out new subjects and explore activities, which may help them in career choices as well as improve their confidence, these include: Media, Journalism, Music, Radio, Fashion, Business, Cooking, Baking and Sport.
which are covered in our 4 core subject areas
Arts and Media
Vocational and Academic
Essential Life Skills
Sports Leisure and Recreation
There is a lack of affordable opportunities for young people in Hackney. Many families in the borough are on low incomes and unable to afford expensive extra-curricular activities. On our programmes, we offer young people a positive environment which shows them what they are capable of doing and allowing them to be true to themselves.
Our programmes offer young people the chance to be a role model to others in their community by being tutor assistants, becoming ambassadors for the organisation or joining our board.
In 2017 HYPU achieved the following:
304 Applications received for enrollments
297 (98%) Attendances
275 (90%) Certificates awarded
310 Total workshop hours delivered
Volunteering hours 960 hrs
Distribution of genders:
Male: 129 (42%) Female: 175 (58%)
Disabled: 0 Special Needs:0
During 2018 young people between the ages of 14 -25 will have the unique opportunity to develop their skills, experience, and knowledge in the respective areas:
Cake Decorating & Baking Enterprise
Music Production
Intro to Massage
HYPU will offer professional training, mentoring and encouragement to allow young people to follow their dreams and aspirations, which will enable them to aim higher and positively contribute to their community.
Developing our activities
HYPU Enterprise Projects
Where communities come together and difference becomes taste

Start Fresh Micro Enterprise
(Baking & Cake Decorating Project)
A group of committed individuals were trained in baking and cake decorating skills, they have now completed an NCFE Level 1 Award in Developing Enterprise Skills The group held their first “Cake pop up shop” in Dalston Square 23 May - it was a great success – all the cakes sold out in less than 2hrs.
If you like to join our Cake Enterprise please email htea@live.co.uk or contact Maxine Boyce 0207 249 4542

Would you like to Volunteer at HYPU?
As a Volunteer, you will encourage other young people to take part in our holiday programmes and projects. You will have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills including team leading, marketing, site stewarding and student 'budding'. As a volunteer you will need excellent time management and be keen to take on a lot of work, but we will make sure that you are rewarded with training, references, and loads of fun activities.
For more information and an application pack about becoming a volunteer, please contact Maxine Boyce on:
Tel: 020 7249 4542 or email: hackneyuniversity@yahoo.co.uk
HYPU always welcomes and encourages new ideas and offers of help from the community to put together our programmes. If you are interested in getting involved please contact us either via email hackneyuniversity@yahoo.co.uk
or Tel: 020 7249 4542